After 9/11


Barry Jennings was an important eyewitness to the events of 9/11. At the time, he was the Deputy Director of the Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority.
Together with Michael Hess, the New York City Corporation Counsel (an associate of Rudy Giuliani), he was rescued from WTC Building 7 before it collapsed at 5:20 p.m. On several occasions, Jennings stated that an explosion trapped them in WTC Building 7 (before the collapses of WTC 1 & 2) and that explosions occurred throughout the building until they were saved after attracting the attention of a team of firefighters through a broken 8th-floor window. Jennings reportedly died in 2008, in highly suspicious circumstances.

 Posted on September 7, 2016, by WashingtonsBlog

By Shoestring, Shoestring 9/11 Blog

but Authorities Covered This Up.

The Kean Commission (9/11 Commission) was created only after 14 months of pressure from September 11 victims' families, who for their efforts at first got the failed nomination by George Bush of Henry Kissinger as chairman.

About this site and why it was started.

If there were just one, or maybe even 2 things that happened on, or before 9/11 2001 that seemed strange or coincidental, I would believe what The 911 Commission and other government agencies have told us about that event.

However, there are so many coincidences that just "happened" on that day, that they can not be ignored. I have spent over 21 years, doing my best to weed through all the "Conspiracies" and facts but mostly lies. I will try to convey a better understanding of what did in fact happen on 911 and you can make your own decisions, I know, most of you have made up your mind about what happened that day, but please, with an open mind, read some (or all) of the posts and come to a conclusion, that just may be different than the one you have now.